This year, due to the quarantine protocols that keep us from gathering in our churches, you will need to access our liturgies remotely.
Therefore, we are livestreaming the entirety of our Holy Week services.
Maundy Thursday, the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, will be at 6:00 PM.
Good Friday liturgies will begin at 3:00 PM.
The Easter Vigil will be at 8:00 PM and Easter morning at 11:00 AM.
All streaming will be done on the St. Luke's Facebook page. If you do not have a Facebook account, and don’t want one, just click on NOT
when it prompts you to sign in or create an account.
You can access in the links below service guides to assist you in following our Triduum services.
Need help following the congregational responses? Try
this service aid for the Mass according to Divine Worship.
Please note:
At the request of our bishops, the following prayers concerning the current pandemic will be added to The Solemn Prayers of Good Friday:
Let us pray in this time for those afflicted in the current Pandemic,
for the sick and the suffering, for families bereft and grieving,
for those committed to the care of the infirm,
and for those suffering the burden of loneliness and isolation;
that thy people be restored to health,
and that your Church again be free to gather in your name.
Almighty and everlasting God, we beseech thee to have respect unto our prayers and to come to our aid with thy mighty hand and outstretched arm, and through the merits of thy Son, our Eternal Physician, turn away the epidemic of plague which afflicts us, so that thy people might be moved to fervor of faith and rejoice in thy manifold consolations, through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen.